Click a still to watch a video of me speed painting :D


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Crepe-Paper Wreath

Hey there DIY'ers! So this weeks DIY Halloween project is going to be this super easy fun way to make a cute wreath. Here is a list of what you'll need.

A "14 wreath (foam)
I opted for the straw wreath, is cheaper and it works just as well
Black streamer (or what ever color you want)
Straight Pins (I used tape glue would work just as well)

 Step: 1
I wrapped my wreath with purple streamers

Step:2 I cut my streamers into 4" strips
you'll need about a 100 depending on the size of the wreath you want to make

 Step: 3 Fold your strips in half then attach to your wreath in rows of three.
Keep layering your rows until you loop back around

 Once you get loop around to the starting point leave it open and tie a streamer around he middle and add a bow.
So here is the final product!
Its so cute and easy to make

Here is where I found this awesome little project!
 Enjoy DIY'ers and I'll see you next week!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

DIY Halloween!

Greetings fellow DIY'ers! Its that time of the year again! Yes that's right, Halloween is right around the corner! Time to get your glue guns and glitter ready. I don't know about you, but I'm not very crafty on my own. I need a little help sometimes. So I'm gonna search the internet so you don't have to, to find the best wallet friendly DIY Decor ideas. Lets get things started with these adorable decoupage lanterns!


   Here are my strips of tissue paper torn into strips

  My Mom covering our jars with Mod Podge and Tissue

        My mom got really creative and started putting folded tissue around the bottom!
It looks like her pumpkin is wearing a tutu!

   Our finished products! This was a fun easy projects to do. 
  Its also pretty cheap

Not only are these little lanterns super easy and cheap to make, but they are so cute!
Check out a more in depth view on how to make them  Here the original page I got he idea from. 
Be sure to follow and come back every Wed. for more DIY Crafts!
Happy Crafting!